LatinCrypt and schools registration
Unfortunately, we don't control the registration site in the Latincrypt2023 website, but we can provide you with some guidelines in case of errors.
Please note that the registration form only works with the Chrome Browser in desktop machines. All other browsers will throw an error.
All the fees are in US dollars and with an added tax (VAT) of 12%.
Only visa and mastercard cards are allowed.
The types of registration are:
Type | Explanation | Fee (Until Sept. 2, 2023) | Fee (From Sept. 3, 2023) |
Student | This fee is applicable for either student authors presenting a paper in LatinCrypt or any other student. The fee covers the LatinCrypt conference but also the registration for both ASCypto and INCACrypto. | 345 USD$ | 445 USD$ |
Regular | This fee is applicable for either non-student authors presenting a paper in LatinCrypt or any other non-student attendee. The fee covers the LatinCrypt conference but also the registration for both ASCypto and INCACrypto. | 632 USD$ | 732 USD$ | ASCrypto registration | This fee is applicable for anyone wanting to only attend the ASCrypto school. | 23 USD$ | 23 USD$ |
INCACrypto registration | This fee is applicable for anyone wanting to only attend the INCACrypto school. | 23 USD$ | 23 USD$ |
Registration form
When clicking the "Pay" button, two registration forms will be shown.
The first one can be filled as follows:

After clicking the "Pay" button again, you will be shown:

Once all is filled, you should click the "Complete payment" button.
If your card has a form of 2nd factor, the bank associated with your card will prompt you to fill it.
If all is successful, you should see a prompt confirmation and an email will arrive from transacciones -at- pagoplux -dot- com
Registration form errors
Unfortunately, if you encounter any error on the first registration form, you will have to refresh the page in order to try again.
The second registration form should recover from errors on the fly.
Both registration forms expect all fields to be filled even if it is with dummy values.